






  1.be able to do sth. 能够做某事

  2.be about to do sth 即将做某事

  3.according to sth. 根据、按照

  4.act as担当

  5.add up to 合计达

  6.in advance 预先

  7.advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事

  8.afford sb sth. 给某人提供某物

  9.afford 钱for sth. 买得起某物

  10.be afraid of 害怕

  11.after all毕竟

  12.again and again再三地

  13.once again 再一次

  14.now and again有时

  15.at the age of 在…几岁时

  16.agree to do sth. 同意做某事

  17.agree with sb. 同意某人意见

  18.agree on sth.对…意见一致

  19.ahead of 在…之前;超过

  20.get ahead 胜过,超过

  21.aim at 瞄准, 针对

  22.by air 乘飞机

  23.in the air流传;不确定;

  24.all over到处

  25.in all 总计

  26.not at all 一点也不;不用谢

  27.first of all 首先

  28.allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事

  29.along with连同……一起,

  30.be angry with sb.生某人的气

  31.one after another 相继地

  32.answer the telephone 接电话

  33.answer back回嘴,顶嘴

  34.the answer to the question 问题的答案

  35.be anxious about sth. 焦虑

  36.apologize for sth. 道歉

  37.argue about 议论某事

  38.argue against 反对

  39.arm in arm臂挽着臂

  40.take sth. in one's arm 抱…

  41.around the corner 在拐角处

  42.arrive at/ in a place 到达(小地, 大地)

  43.as…as 与…一样

  44.not as/so…as 与…不一样

  45.as if/ as though 好像

  46.be ashamed of耻于……

  47.ask for sth. 请求

  48.ask sb. for sth.请某人给某物

  49.ask sb. to do sth. 请某人做某事

  50.be astonished in sth. 因…惊讶

  51.attempt to do sth.企图、试图做某事

  52.make an attempt at/to/on sth. 努力;尝试

  53.pay attention to sth. 注意

  54.on (an) average通常;按平均

  55.away from远离

  56.base on基于

  57.because of 由于

  58.go to bed 睡觉

  59.make the bed 整理床铺

  60.before long不久以后

  61.long before 很早以前

  62.beg your pardon请原谅。

  63.beg sb to do sth 请求某人做某事

  64.begin with 首先

  65.begin/start doing sth. 开始做

  66.at the beginning of …的起初

  67.believe in . 信仰

  68.belong to (介词) 属于

  69.do one's best 尽最大努力

  70.all the best 一切顺利

  71.make the best of尽量利用;善用

  72.had better do sth.最好做某事

  73.better off 小康

  74.a bit of 有点儿

  75.be to blame应受谴责

  76.blame sb for sth.责备某人某事

  77.borrow sth from sb.向某人借某物

  78.both…and …两者都…

  79.at the bottom of 在…底部

  80.break down 出毛病, 抛锚

  81.break out 爆发

  82.break away from 脱离;摆脱

  83.break up分裂 结束;解散

  84.break into闯入, 打断

  85.at breakfast 早饭时

  86.have breakfast 吃早饭

  87.hold one's breath 屏住气

  88.out of breath 上气不接下气

  89.take breath歇息

  90.take one's breath away目瞪口呆;大为惊讶

  91.waste one's breath白费口舌

  92.burst out迸发;突然…起来

  93.burst into tears突然大哭

  94.go to 地点 on business 出差

  95.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

  96.be busy with sth.忙于做某事

  97.but for要不是

  98.by bus / car / plane / train / ship / air 乘 ……

  99.by and by 不久以后;

  100.call for 请求

  101.call in召集,召来,来访

  102.call on sb. 拜访

  103.call up召集;动员

  104.calm down 镇定下来

  105.care for 喜欢

  106.take care of 照料

  107.care about 担心, 关心

  108.carry on 继续,展开

  109.carry out 实现,执行

  110.in case +(句子) 以防;可能;倘若

  111.in case of如果;万一

  112.catch up with 赶上

  113.catch a cold 感冒

  114.catch fire着火

  115.catch one's eye引起某人注意

  116.cause sb. to do sth. 使得某人做某事

  117.center on sth. 集中精力做某事

  118.be certain of sth. 确信……

  119.by chance. 偶然

  120.take a chance to do sth.冒险做某事

  121.change into变为;使改变

  122.in charge of 负责

  123.check in/ out(旅馆、飞机等)登记;

  124.make a choice 做选择

  125.no choice but 别无选择只能。

  126.go to the cinema 去看电影

  127.have classes 上课

  128.after class 课后

  129.clear out 彻底清理

  130.clear up整理;完成;收拾

  131.climb up/down 爬上/下

  132.be close to 靠近

  133.have a cold 感冒

  134.go to college 上大学

  135.come back 回来

  136.come down 下来

  137.come from 来自

  138.come in 进来

  139.come on 快, 来吧。

  140.come out 出来,显露

  141.come true 实现

  142.come into being 形成, 产生

  143.have sth in common 共识

  144.compare A to B把A比喻B

  145.compare with与…比较

  146.connect with 将……连起来

  147.be considered as…被看作

  148.be content with 满意

  149.continue to do 继续

  150.in control 控制

  151.cool down 平静下来

  152.in the corner在拐角处 (屋里)

  153.at the corner在拐角处 (街上)

  154.物 cost 人 钱某人花钱买某物

  155.have a bad cough 咳得厉害

  156.count on依靠 指望;期待

  157.a couple of 一对, 几个;三两个

  158.of course 当然

  159.in course of 在过程中

  160.be covered with 被…覆盖

  161.be crazy about着迷的,狂热的

  162.cry out for急需;迫切需要

  163.cry out大声呼喊, 大声抱怨

  164.be curious about 对…好奇

  165.cut down砍倒;减少

  166.cut in 插嘴

  167.cut out剪除;切掉;放弃

  168.in danger 处于危险状态

  169.out of danger脱离危险

  170.dare to do sth. 敢做某事

  171.out of date过时的;废弃的

  172.at dawn在黎明;破晓

  173.by day 日间, 在白天

  174.day after day 日复一日

  175.day and night 日日夜夜

  176.one day 有一天(将来或过去)

  177.the day after tomorrow 后天

  178.the day before yesterday 前天

  179.the other day 前一天

  180.a great (good) deal of 大量的(不可数名词)

  181.deal with 处理, 对付;应付

  182.make a deal. 订个协议

  183.decide to do sth. 决定做某事

  184.decide on sth. 决定某事

  185.make a decision 作决定

  186.do a good deed 做好事

  187.in deed . 真正地

  188.delight in doing sth.引以为乐

  189.demand sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

  190.in demand 需求

  191.depend on sb. 依赖某人

  192.That depends. 视情形而定。

  193.desire for sth. 渴望得到

  194.desire to do sth. 渴望做某事

  195.be determined to do sth. 下决心做某事

  196.devote oneself to sth. 献身于

  197.die of 因病死亡

  198.die from (病以外)因某事而死

  199.be different from 与…不同

  200.in difficulty 处于困境

  201.under one's direction 由…指挥

  202.in … direction 在… 方向

  203.disagree with /on/to do sth.


  204.in the distance 在远处;远方

  205.divide into分成

  206.divided by 除

  207.do some cleaning做清洁工作

  208.do some cooking 做饭

  209.do some shopping 购物

  210.do well in 在…干得好

  211.do one's homework 做作业

  212.have sth/nothing to do with 与…有关/无关

  213.could do with 需要

  214.without doubt必定;无疑

  215.doubt about 怀疑

  216.have sth. down 写下某事

  217.go down 顺着…

  218.dozens of 许多

  219.draw up草拟;写



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